Fashion Set from bartenders. Stylish bartenders – are not XXI century phenomenon only. Shaker masters had always stood out in a crowd being flamboyant, following fashion trends, even inventing them. World of fashion is closely connected to the world of mixed drinks. Now it is a high time to talk about it in details. We have been preparing for a long time and now are happy to represent you the first article in the new heading Fashion Set by our friend and stylist, Egor Zvezdin. Ready, steady, go!
This year Drinking Culture Magazine visited BCB with extended team. Our fashion paratrooper Egor inspected participants of the exhibition for the matter of stylish outfit and choosed the most interesting of them ….
Jana Green, bartender from Dortmund, Germany
⁃ What are you doing at BCB this year?
⁃ I am bartender, so me and my boyfriend decided to come here to gain new experience, find new ideas and inspirations for our job.
⁃ Do you think there is a certain connection between drinking culture and culture of being stylish?
⁃ Yes, I think so, because people who prefer fine drinks also prefer good fashion.
Arnd Henning Heissen, Barmanager at Ritz Carlton Hotel, Berlin
⁃ What are you doing at BCB this year?
⁃ I am making aromatherapy analysis, so I am checking out the perfumes of the guests here, at the booth of Campari. And I am telling people based on their choice of the perfume, what type of character they have and what kind of drinks would they prefer.
⁃ Do you think there is a certain connection between drinking culture and culture of being stylish?
⁃ I would say yes, because if you look at the subject that I am doing today, the ingredients that you have inside your perfume are also the ingredients that you like to drink. Also the colors that you have in your perfume are the colors that you wear. For example, if you like patchouli, you like dark green clothes. If you like rose, you probably like to wear pink clothes. So the way that you feel is the way that you dress. And everything you do is subconsciously.
⁃ Isn’t this a philosophy of life?
⁃ You are absolutely right.
Franziska Scholz, Bartender at Bricks bar, Berlin
⁃ Please, tell me, how do you feel here, at BCB?
⁃ Super, good! Very-very good!
⁃ Do you think there is a certain connection between drinking culture and culture of being stylish?
⁃ Yes, in all way it is. Both things are going hand by hand.
⁃ You smell so nice! What is your perfume?
⁃ It is Issey Miyake
Teitur Ridderman Schiöth, Owner of Pablo Disco Bar at Reykjavík, Iceland
⁃ Why did you decide to open your bar?
⁃ Do you think there is a certain connection between drinking culture and culture of being stylish?
⁃ Well, when people come to a bar, you know, they always look around. If they see something they are interested in, it is always give proper emotions and good reaction. So defiantly, I would say so!
⁃ And how is your feeling about BCB this year?
⁃ This is an extraordinary place where bartenders can come and share their ideas and look fashionable.
Carolin Steinheuer, exhibition participant, Germany
⁃ So, where are you from?
⁃ I am from Cologne, Germany.
⁃ That’s a beautiful city!
⁃ Thanks!
⁃ What are you doing at BCB?
⁃ I take part at the fair as an exhibitor. And my company promotes cranberry juice origin from U.S.
⁃ Do you think there is a certain connection between drinking culture and culture of being stylish?
⁃ Sure, there is definitely a connection. For me personally, I like to dress, I like to wear really nice clothes and of course I like to drink good quality spirits and wine. Thats kind of a lifestyle for sure.
Mathilde Chancerelle, BARMAG, Paris
⁃ Tell me, what are you doing at BCB this year?
⁃ This is the second time I come here. Last year I came to look around and this time I am in a partnership with the magazine which I distribute. And also I organize fairs in Paris: one dedicated to French spirits, one dedicated to beer and one dedicated to cocktails. And there is a lot of work, because there had been no cocktail fair in Paris till last year. We want to democratize idea of drinking cocktails and make it more accessible.
⁃ Do you think there is a certain connection between drinking culture and culture of being stylish?
⁃ I think it is all about the taste. Some people prefer relaxed style and they choose cocktails with plain tastes, while others are trying to look extravagant. And usually they prefer milticombined drinks in fancy glass and long complicated aftertaste. So these notions have much in common for sure.
Alexander Rivkin, Mr. Murka project, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Mannequin Ilona, Libbey glassware booth at BCB
It was so kind of the representative of Libbey glassware to tell us Ilona’s story as she herself refused being interviewed.
She used to live with a guy in Netherlands, but he put her for sale on-line finally, because of her misbehavior. And Libbey team was just looking for a funky character for their place, so they took her and she stays with them for two months already. Her behavior is really good now. Still she likes to have fun, dress out, listen to 80-ies music and drink Pina-Colada sometimes. A perfect member for the team!
Photo: Oleg Lubarsky
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