His Majesty COVID-19 has introduced its own rules of the game. On one hand it is still difficult to assess the results of his “reign”. On the other, all these talks and rumors are too much already. The only one fact still remains quite obvious – everyone has altered his plans for coming summer season. Great number of exhibitions, conferences and festivals were forced to reschedule their plans. Some went online, some appointed new dates, some postponed their events till next year. We decided to make it clear, what’s going on and when all that happens, so that you could have a better understanding for your plans as well. Here we have an approximate schedule for the seasonal events of the industry 2020. We hope for better things, and let’s go!
Probably, the only date to remain unaltered is 13th of May, The World Cocktail Day!
One of the most important events of the industry Bar Convent that we visit regularly, has also changed the dates.
World-known Tales of the Cocktail takes place on the 21-26 of July. This time in digital. One of the major professional events goes to a new template. To our mind a courage step for the industry leader. Moreover, a dream comes true you can visit Tales of the Cocktail – straight from your coach!
“Concept for MBS 2020 had been named “ReFpcus”yet in January, when we had no clue how situation might occur. Present days make our call to refocus even more up-to-date.
The basic idea was to remind professional community that we are not only a part of cultural sphere, but business as well. Many projects were based at trends and complicated concepts, far from common customers. Now there much talks about a change of the direction, when the reality is never going to be the same. But we have to understand that the changes do not come on their own. First they have to be born in the minds of people, players of the industry and consumers. We are going on elaborating the program for MBS. We want to give the community the best, but much depends on you”.
August is not that reach for the events. But we hope situation goes better by that time.
Follow official pages of the events in order to have a full and clear picture.
For your comfort we have made a new calendar, that you can get here.
Stay tuned and we will keep informed about the latest news of the bar industry.
Take care and stay healthy. Cheers!
Photos are courtesy of official sources.
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