Limited edition vodka Russian Standard Malachite

vodka Russian Standard, Malachite, малахит, компания русский стандарт, малахитовая шкатулка, русская водка

Great news from the prominent vodka Russian Standard. The company launches the 7th Global Travel Retail limited edition bottle named Malachite. This limited edition bottle was created at the company’s Design Studio based in London. Inspiration came from one of the most splendid and luxurious gemstones known as malachite. It perfectly reflects Russian Standard Vodka’s gentle and refined taste.

vodka Russian Standard, Malachite, малахит, компания русский стандарт, малахитовая шкатулка, русская водка

Vodka Russian Standard Malachite

Glorified in Russian folklore, malachite became the material of artists, and was synonymous with the luxury of the Russian Romanov dynasty, with pieces made from malachite becoming objects of desire.

Popularized by Russian folktales, malachite turned to be a favored material among sculptors and jewelers, who created their masterpieces in sake of glory of Romanov Emperors.

To elaborate this special edition, Russian Standard Vodka included into the design malachite’s vibrant green hues and dynamically curling lines. This was done to recreate authenticity and make great visual impact. The millennials who travel all over the world are the main target audience. This is the generation who represent around 50% of all travelers, people who strive to originality and impressions. They want a brand to tell a story and enthrall into its unique world. In this case Russian Standard Vodka is a great brand example, where heritage, authenticity and craftsmanship are combined in flawless proportions.

vodka Russian Standard, Malachite, малахит, компания русский стандарт, малахитовая шкатулка, русская водка

This brand-new Malachite collection shows a brilliant self-expression of up-to-date Russia. At the same time it gives a clear idea to understand a multi-leveled and mystical soul of Russian Standard Vodka.

The brand available in more over than 1200 airports around the world is glad to present New Limited Edition in air hubs of Moscow, Frankfurt, Istanbul, Amsterdam, Hamburg, Oslo, Copenhagen and others.

In 2019 Russian Standard Vodka gained number place 5 as biggest vodka brand and 21st place as largest spirit brand in top 100 spirits brands according to the Travel Retail channel.

vodka Russian Standard, Malachite, малахит, компания русский стандарт, малахитовая шкатулка, русская водка

Brand details

Russian Standard Vodka is the World’s No. 1 Russian premium vodka. It is exported to over 85 markets in Europe, U.S.A. and Asia. Russian Standard Vodka founded the premium vodka segment in Russia and by now commands global sales of over 3.6M cases.

Extra clean, delicate and smoothly, Russian Standard Vodka is produced with premium Russian ingredients, such as winter wheat and glacial water. It is bottled and distilled in former imperial capital of Russia – Saint-Petersburg.

Key Facts about Russian Standard

  • World’s #1 Russian premium vodka (IMPACT Top 100 premium brands, 2019)
  • World’s #13 largest vodka brand (Drinks International, 2019)
  • 5th largest vodka brand in Travel Retail (IWSR, 2019)
  • 2nd largest vodka brand in the UK (Nielsen, 2019)

vodka Russian Standard, Malachite, малахит, компания русский стандарт, малахитовая шкатулка, русская водка

About Roust

Roust is considered as one of the largest spirits producer and distributor in Central and Eastern Europe and the second-largest vodka producer by volume all over the world. It has about 30 million 9l cases sold every year in 85 markets. Plants, other production facilities as well as distribution centers in Poland, Hungary, Russia and Italy belong to the company. Portfolio includes such brands as flagship vodka Russian Standard, Green Mark, Parliament, authentic Polish vodka Żubrówka. The prominent Italian company Gancia, creator of the first sparkling wine in Italy, belongs to Roust as well.

Автор Марго Бор

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