Athens Bar Show. Largest bar event in the Mediterranean region

Athens Bar Show

Athens Bar Show is the annual rendezvous for professional of the hospitality industry (bartenders, bar owners, F&B managers etc), which this year will be held on Tuesday 7th & Wednesday 8th of November, on the historic site of the Technopolis of Athens.With each passing year, local and international experts generate the best reviews regarding the way in which the Athens Bar Show is organised and run as well as the energy and vibes it radiates. Exceptional seminars and educational programs play a central role in the Athens Bar Show making it one the most important bar shows globally, and the largest in the Mediterranean region.

Athens Bar Show

Athens Bar Show 2017

During the Bar Show (7th & 8th of November), Technopolis will be transformed specifically for the needs of the largest celebration of the local bar scene.

During the event you will have the opportunity, among others, to:

  • Attend seminars about cocktails, drinks and mixing techniques from Greek and international experts (ie England, USA, Italy, France, Scotland, Spain)
  • Connect with bar professionals from around Europe and the rest of the world.
  • Try out more than 500 different products
  • Learn from executives and businessmen sharing their knowledge on the management and operation of bars
  • Get inspired by the gurus of the world’s cocktail bar scene
  • Learn about the global market trends through tasting panels
  • Appreciate innovative tools and equipment for your bar
  • Find products, equipment and solutions for your bar

Athens Bar Show

The ever-increasing attendance in the Athens Bar Show confirms the drive behind the Greek bar scene and its professionals. More than 8.000 visitors (out of which 3.000 are bartenders) attended the Athens Bar Show in 2016 from every corner of the world.

In two days, more than 200 bartenders created more than 200,000 cocktails in order to satisfy product tastings as well as the transfer of innovative ways of service, making it the most successful Athens Bar Show yet. This year’s turnout is expected to break every record again!

Athens Bar Show

The Heart of Athens is ready to beat for the Athens Bar Show 2017

  • The exhibition is addressed to professionals of the hospitality and bar industry
  • Individuals under the age of 18 will not be allowed entrance, even with a guardian.
  • a valid ID card, passport or other identification document is required to be allowed to enter the exhibition.

Enjoy alcohol responsibly.

Athens Bar Show


Dates: Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th of November 2017

Opening hours: 11:00-19:00

Technopolis of Athens

Pireos 100, Gazi

For more information and Tickets:

Organizer: Bar Academy Hellas


Автор DCW Magazine

DCW Magazine - международный информационный проект о барах и культуре пития. Коктейли, алкогольные и безалкогольные напитки, оригинальная подача, посуда, мероприятия индустрии HoReCa, бармены, барные конкурсы, бары и рестораны, школы барменов, лучшие бары мира, путешествия - основные темы журнала.

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