International trade routes are a big part of the world history. For centuries traders used to transport silk and many other goods between China and the Mediterranean through the prominent Silk Road. Not only goods but technological and scientific knowledge, religions and cultures, arts, crafts, languages and much more were all spread and shared along it. Libbey presents new collection inspired by Silk Road aesthetics. Symbols and patterns drawn from some of these rich culture are placed in a modern, Western context. It is ideal for any table setting with an Eastern-inspired menu, as well as drinks or cocktails in Asian style. This is a celebration of the exchange of knowledge and the lasting impact of these ancient cultures by Libbey.

Eastern cultures like Japanese and Chinese have deep significance of symbols, which are often connected with longevity, good fortune and happiness. The new collection by Libbey transferred these symbols into simple yet elegant decorations with a timeless design.

LIBBEY, Silk Road, glass


Kanei comes from the mon, Japan’s currency during the Kan-Ei period (1624-1644). The mould’s layered concentric circles and arches symbolize waves and the flow of good fortune. The black-and-gold decoration band, and glass bottom with wave patterns and gold decoration, pay quiet tribute to the significance these symbols carry.

LIBBEY, Silk Road, glass


Fánróng is based on the Chinese symbol for Happiness and Long Life. It has always been one of the country’s most widespread symbol. If you travel through China today and you find many examples at every corner. The black gold decoration band with the bottom featuring the happiness symbol gives any drink that sense of occasion.

LIBBEY, Silk Road, glass


There are four decorations for Niho glass. An elegant mix of greys and reds creates a sense of effortless simplicity. Niho brings a sense of style to any occasion as it is designed to suit any drink or table setting with its striking symbols.

Geisha literally means ‘person practicing the arts’. This notion refers to women who dedicate their lives to traditional Japanese arts, using their talents to entertain distinguished clients. Geisha are felt to personify sophistication and seen as vital guardians of Japanese culture and traditions.

Dragon is possibly the best-known symbol of China. It symbolizes success and being destined for a great future.

Cherry Blossom is Japan’s national flower, but also well-known in China. In Japan, because of its short life each year, the Cherry Blossom represents the ephemeral nature of life. In China, it is a symbol of both power and feminine strength.

Koi is a fish with a rich history in Chinese and Japanese cultures. This fish embodies determination, dedication, perseverance and success. A powerful quartet of qualities.


The gentle decorations combine in a fine way with the plunger patterns, bottom mould inserts and high reliefs. All complementing the clean lines of the traditional forms to create a modern take on ancient designs.


Photos are courtesy of LIBBEY Inc.

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