Russian Winemaking gains popularity. Wine&Dine opens special Hall with local wines

Russian winemaking, wine&dine, Russian wine, Abrau Durso

It might be a surprise, but Russian wine gains global popularity step by step. A big part of Russian market is local wines now. Wine&Dine project origin from Saint-Petersburg has opened recently a Hall of Russian Winemaking right next to Localita bar and Sabonis alcohol shop. There is a large assortment of wines from Russian Southern regions. A good chance to have a new experience with local product in Saint-Petersburg. Find out more in the article below.

Wine&Dine, Saint-Petersburg, Russian wine

Russian winemaking

There are numerous stereotypes concerning national winemaking in Russia. Few people take it seriously. Nevertheless Russian wine improves year by year. There is a number of local winemakers who have presented a stable good quality for the last decade. Russia takes part in global contests and get highest prizes, while prominent critics of the Old World give good reviews.

Russian winemaking, wine&dine, Russian wine, Abrau Durso

Russian Winemaking Hall

In Russian Winemaking Hall guests have degustation sets of 3-5 types of wine, so that they could get acquainted with an assortment and make their choice. Menu contains appetizers with local products from the next door Sabonis bar. There are about 150 positions of wines origin from Russian South. All winemakers use grape of their own production.

Pay special attention to the endemic types of wine like Saperavi, Kokour or Kefessia. This types have their unique style and taste never known before.

Russian winemaking, wine&dine, Russian wine, Abrau Durso

Choose your Russian wine

The Hall presents wines from big factories and small farms, which produce 500-600 bottles of one type. Here you can find following wineries: Abrau Durso, Divnomorskoye Manor, Yaiyla, Golubitzkoye Manor, Vedernikov Winery, Uzunov Winery, Miskhako Winery, Sober Bash, Belbek, Bournier, Guy Codzor, Alma Valley, Oleg Repin, Rayevskoe, UPPA winery, Solnechnaya Dolina, Fanagoria, Lefkadia, Jubileynaya, Kuban’ wine, Gun’ko Winery.

Russian winemaking, wine&dine, Russian wine, Abrau Durso

Photos are courtesy of the brand

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