Rum and Mauritius: What’s new at Bar Convent Berlin

BCB 2019, Bar Convent Berlin

Rum holds a central position at Bar Convent Berlin 2019. And this is plus to 1200 brands presented within the fair. More than 430 participants exhibiting the widest range of spirits from gin to liquer, from tequila to bitters, from whiskey to vermouth. The biggest trade show in bar industry brings together hundreds of key market players. Bartenders, bar owners, distributors and manufacturers come from moreover than 80 countries. Approximately 100 exhibitors come for the first time bringing new brands and new tastes. Be sure, there is much to see, taste and experience for this time. And this is a good tradition already.

BCB 2019, Bar Convent Berlin

King of Rum

This is for the first time when BCB dedicates the stage to rum – a trendy spirit and cocktail ingredient widely used around the world. “Kühlhaus” will become the “House of Rum” – a crossroad to meet all rum makers and lovers. A real “Rum Ambassador” Ian Burell partners this project.

“We are delighted to have enlisted Ian, the world’s best-known rum expert,” says BCB boss Petra Lassahn.

“We plan to implement this as a joint project and give visitors the opportunity to taste rum across a number of different regions of origin and get to know new signature drinks. What’s more, the Rum Stage will provide first-hand expert knowledge.”

BCB 2019, Bar Convent Berlin

Welcome to Mauritius

An island lost in the Indian Ocean famous for its rum traditions. Mauritius, known for sugar cane cultivation, boasts “Rhum Agricole” produced from freshly squeezed sugar-cane juice. And there is a wide range of aromatic versions besides tireless classics. Try them all!

This year Mauritius is official country partner of BCB, presenting selected manufacturers at the House of Rum.

BCB 2019, Bar Convent Berlin

Coffee please

Coffee and coffee specialities are gaining strong positions in bars. BCB has already proved it recently. This year its role is even stronger at the line-up. Official partner of BCB 2019 is “Berliner Kaffeerösterei”. The Coffee Stage supported by the Berlin School of Coffee will offers professional barista master-classes and all manner of coffee know-how.

BCB 2019, Bar Convent Berlin

Knowledge is a power

As far as professional education is concerned, BCB continues this good tradition as well. Angus Winchester, a prominent industry expert will curate the process. There are many global authorities expected to arrive. Stay tuned to find out about numerous master-classes and public talks concerning daily professional routine.

BCB 2019, Bar Convent Berlin


This is the second year when BCB is being held for three days. A good chance for every bar industry insider to visit the venue. There are two options to for tickets this time. 1-day tickets that make it easier to control and spread visitor streams. The price is Eur 40. Those who are not enough with one day, can obtain tickets for Day 2 and 3, Eur 30 per day. Find tickets and further information here.

BCB 2019, Bar Convent Berlin

About Bar Convent Berlin

Bar Convent Berlin, founded in 2007, is among the leading international trade shows for the bar and beverage industry. Every October, the key players of European bar and beverage industry meet in Berlin to establish new contacts, catch up on the latest product innovations and attend education seminars. In 2019, the trade show will be held from 7 to 9 October at Station Berlin and Kühlhaus. About 14,000 trade visitors are expected to attend.

Photos are courtesy of Bar Convent Berlin press-office

Автор DCW Magazine

DCW Magazine - международный информационный проект о барах и культуре пития. Коктейли, алкогольные и безалкогольные напитки, оригинальная подача, посуда, мероприятия индустрии HoReCa, бармены, барные конкурсы, бары и рестораны, школы барменов, лучшие бары мира, путешествия - основные темы журнала.

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