Travelling a lot around the globe I visit a great number of professional bar industry events. Every time I meet my colleagues. Many of them present large national producers, but there is also one brand – yet not that big but self-confident and charming Russian apron producer Mr. Murka. It is great to know that guys are from my home city of Saint-Petersburg – a cradle of Russian Revolution and a home place for many talented bartenders and entrepreneurs. I talked to Roman Ivanov, co-founder of the brand, to find out who is that Mr. Murka. So, let’s go and read the interview!

Mr Murka, russian apron

Who is Mr. Murka?

In some terms, it is everyone from our team. The brand is mostly associated with Nikolay Kiselev, but the project has few directions, and in every direction we want to have such Mister.

Mr Murka, russian apron, Мистер Мурка, фартуки для барменов

What is the story of the name and why it is like that?

We were thinking to create such a character, a hero, who could be associated with Russia and well percepted abroad. After long discussions, “Murka” appeared, and than prefix “Mr.” was added. The choice was right. Now it is hardly possible to imagine that it could be in some other way.

Mr Murka, russian apron, Николай Киселев, Роман Иванов, фартуки для барменов

Tell me please about the founders of the brand.

Nikolay is an experienced bartender.

Polina holds a needle in her hands since she is 5 years old.

Roman is a professional philosopher.

Mr Murka, russian apron, Мистер Мурка, фартуки для барменов

What did they do before the project?

Nikolay gained medical education. He even had a medical practice, and been working at the same time for night clubs and bars in Saint-Petersburg: “Gigant Hall”, “Glavclub”, bar “Mishka” -– just a few places from a long list where he got his experience.

Polina is a technologist in fashion design. One of a founders of local brand “YaneYa”.

By the moment of foundation Mr. Murka, Roman was the owner of advertising agency and photographer.

Mr Murka, russian aprons, Мистер Мурка, фартуки для барменов

Why did you decide to produce aprons?

Nikolay told me a lot about the situation in bar industry. By that moment it was difficult to find in Russia something good. And I thought we could create something beautiful in this field. I proposed Nikolay to do it together, and that was a start.

Mr Murka, russian aprons, Мистер Мурка, фартуки для барменов


Mr. Murka is a part of interesting eco-system: El Copitas bar, Bartenders Factory school, cocktail catering Must Have Bar – which role plays this brand in the system?

We are all friends: me, Artem Peruk, Igor Zernov, Nikolay Kiselev (co-founders of all this projects). Nikolay is an associate in every part of this “eco-system”. Personally I deal with Mr. Murka, guys do their projects. But in generally we move in the same direction. And Nikolay links all together. Fruitful cooperation based at good relations and respect – that’s our major policy.

Is it easy to stay in partnership and avoid arguments?

Not easy at all. We learn to assign responsibilities. This is a long term process and it goes on and on. One thing I know for sure, no one wants a conflict, and that’s why we hold together.

One of hashtags that guys use is #evrybodysticktogether

Mr Murka, russian aprons, Мистер Мурка, фартуки для барменов


What is the most important thing in partnership? What is the way to keep balance and move on? Is it difficult to turn off solo and work in team?

Each of us has his own reason to stay in the project. And the project itself has developed so strong that it has its own motivation. I am for freedom. Every participant decides, how much is he in this or that process, and it can alter in time. It is not good when someone does things that he doesn’t want to. There is necessity and there is passion to do something. And we try to find the most appropriate way when everyone deals with the things that one really wants to.

Mr Murka, russian aprons, Мистер Мурка, фартуки для барменов

How many people work for Mr. Murka production? Does it develop?

It is 23 people by the moment. Seamstresses, shapers, bookkeeper, designer, managers who take orders and those who are in charge for a content. We evolve all the time, optimize processes and grow. Now it is a high time to enlarge the production office. But what you want and what you have is different. For example, now we luck space for production. And the venue, where we rent our office can not provide us with more premises. So we keep waiting and hope it resolves one day.

Mr Murka, russian aprons, Мистер Мурка, фартуки для барменов

Creative basis

How do you do design and elaborate models?

For today we have 30 basics for aprons and about 300 of designs.

There are several stages to make a new apron:

  • first we determine a function of a gear;
  • then choose fabrics;
  • elaborate details and pockets;
  • choose accessories;
  • confirm colors;
  • finally brainstorm naming

Mr Murka, russian aprons, Мистер Мурка, фартуки для барменов

We booth pay attention for the demand and propose our own versions. Often we join it together. After creating a model we test it. Sometimes for few months. Add or eliminate something if necessary.

Where do you find inspiration?

It was always important for me to go beneath the borders. Just production is not the point. We cooperate with great artists, musicians, actors, photographers, video-operators and film directors. This way we stay in an atmosphere of creativity. We travel, talk to interesting people, and this is a source of inspiration as well. We have a unique workshop, you want to create there!

Mr Murka, russian aprons, Mal Spance

I think it’s hard just to look at Murka as a purveyor of bar ware and aprons. They make amazing gear, yes. But the aprons always felt like more than just an apron. It felt like a token of friendship, fraternity and of love. When I travel and I see the aprons on different bartenders around the world, it brings me joy to see that love spread around the industry. I love those guys so much man.

Mal Spence, Global Head of Advocacy Atom Brands and Maverick Drinks

How do you choose partners for collaborations?

Like attracts like. And creative unions come on their own. We just come across people we want to collaborate with. And we find common grounds. We are cool, they are cool – together even better!

Mr Murka, russian aprons, Мистер Мурка, фартуки для барменов

Opened World

As you have said already, you travel a lot. Plus you cooperate with bars all around the world. How do you choose bar shows to take part in?

More and more countries organize their bar shows. Usually it happens in country capital. Someone does that for the first time. We have taken part in the shows that have their history. One of our main goals is export. And bar shows are indicative for us. This is a chance to present the brand, understand the demand. In 2019 we visited 6 foreign exhibitions. At some venues we are already recognized. The choice of the show is more about interaction with organizers. When you see that host party has serious intentions to organize good quality event, you want to be a part of it.

Mr Murka, russian aprons, Мистер Мурка, фартуки для барменов


What show you loved most of all? What show was most effective for you?

We had an interesting tour in Spring of 2019. Lisbon-Amsterdam-Paris. All that was during one month. Big exhibitions, but very hearty. And it was a first experience of taking part in shows one by one.

Probably, the most effective show was our first one – Moscow Bar Show, when it took place in Moscow. It was the time when we presented ourselves in large scales. Right after it we opened our first workshop.

And of course, Bar Convent Berlin. This year it was the third time that we took a part in it with a booth. It is a big thing in Berlin, and really about business. On one hand it is the most expensive, but on another we sign contracts for distribution and find new partners there.

Russian brand in Europe

Daniel Schröder, Mr Murka, russian aprons, Мистер Мурка, фартуки для барменов

Daniel Schröder the owner of the Markenbotschafter (Brandambassadors) comments:

My first encounter with Mr. Murka was in 2014. a colleague of Beluga Vodka sent me my first Mr Murka apron. I wore it wherever I was, so many people asked me where I got the apron from. Then I researched relatively quickly who is behind the brand and found the incredible and unique Nikolay Kiselev. We liked each other right away and in 2015 I ordered the first 100 aprons from him for the German market, which I then sold at the Bar Convent Berlin 2015. From this point on it went steeply uphill.

Mr Murka, russian aprons, Мистер Мурка, фартуки для барменов

Meanwhile, we are one of the most famous apron manufacturers in the German market and grow daily in the European market. We equip bars, restaurants as well as brands like Diageo, Beam Suntory, Pernod Ricard or the Montenegro Group with Mr Murka aprons. I think Mr Murka has found a way to pack Nikolay and his team in an apron and if you put it on then you feel it. Currently it looks like if someone needs an apron then he comes to us. Like I said, I love Mr Murka because of the people behind the brand, who put so much love and creativity into their work every day and I’m very proud to be part of this Mr. Murka family as the main European importer and looking forward to successful teamwork with the Cats.

Mr Murka, Мистер Мурка, фартуки для барменов

Business and competition

How strong is the competition at apron production market in Russia and in the World?

Around last three-four years I see more and more companies emerging in Russia, who produce aprons. Now I follow about 20 brands. This encourages us to go forward. And I am thankful for them. We founded the industry here in Russia 6 years ago, when nobody produced something like that. Now many professions in hospitality and service area (bartenders, restaurant and hotel teams, hairdressers, tattoo artists, barista, different type of artists) are on the hype. And in case we were the only one, we would not cope with this huge demand. And now we have time to get ready.

There are some curios brands abroad. Of course, when you are based in Europe, it is easier to deal with promotion, and logistics is not that tough inside EU. But we produce a lot of unique pieces, popular among our foreign partners. And we do a lot to be presented at European and Asian markets.

Mr Murka, Мистер Мурка, фартуки для барменов

What is your Unique Selling Point and main difference at the market?

First of all, we produce not just another apron. This is not a piece of cloth that protects you from stains and dirt. This is a well-thought part of your outfit that includes psychology factors as well. If you put on hoodie and bandana or you put on three-piece suit, you feel different. We have almost no limits and we can create an apron that suits a unique demand. We constantly improve terms and quality. Stability is another important point.

Mr Murka, russian aprons, Мистер Мурка, фартуки для барменов

Technologies, values and reasons for choice

What is most difficult about apron production?

I think in different times there are different obstacles. First it was difficult to stop development. Now we have to think about management system.

The most difficult thing, but the most interesting as well – is people.

What are the core points for bartenders to choose a proper gear?

Pay attention how do you feel in an apron. If you do not want to take it off in two minutes, probably, it’s yours. And of course, you have to understand, how do you feel at the end of your day. Fastenings are important. Many people prefer straps on the neck, but we recommend them on shoulders.

Mr Murka, russian aprons, Мистер Мурка, фартуки для барменов

What are the differences from other professions you work with?

There are many peculiarities. Depth of pockets, fabrics, weight. Each profession has its approach.

  • Tattoo artist needs an apron to work seated and sterile. That’s why it needs certain shape and option to sterilize it.
  • Carpenter needs an apron with no useless elements that might cling to his equipment.
  • Waiter needs an apron from a good quality fabric that is possible to wash very often.

Mr Murka, russian aprons, Мистер Мурка, фартуки для барменов

Do you have a lot of individual orders? And what is their part in production?

There is more and more of such type of orders. Mostly people come with their own designs. We promote this option and it has a good response. There is even a separate shelf for this orders. That means it is about 30 percents of the production in general.

What is the difference for the price for the individual order?

If there is no difference in time of production and in materials, the price for the order stays the same.

Mr Murka, russian aprons, Мистер Мурка, фартуки для барменов

Fame. Fortune. Money. Future

Is this project commercially successful?

This project gives provides job for the insiders and for those who help to build and develop it. And this is a big thing already.

Do you have plans for expansion and what direction?

Now we elaborate bags, purses and other leather products. We are also interested in interior pieces made of wood and other materials. Hope to present our designs and ideas soon.

Mr Murka, Мистер Мурка, фартуки для барменов

Sounds great! We are waiting for it. And how do you see the development of the project?

We want to open production in a different country within a year.

And my favorite question to the business owners: What dreams may come?

What if Mr. Murka becomes Russian Michelin one day?

Mr Murka, russian aprons, Мистер Мурка, фартуки для барменов

Photos are courtesy of Mr. Murka and participants of the interview

Автор Марго Бор

"Верю в знаки, судьбу и призвание. Неистово поддерживаю развитие барной культуры"

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