Back to basics with Libbey Glassware. Pros and pros

libbey glassware, levitas, классические бокалы, бокалы для бара, красивые бокалы для коктейлей, бокалы для коктейлей

Modern world drives crazy highway. Some prefer more and more exuberant fashion, meal and drinks. Others are looking back to find their inspiration in retro-forms. But what is obvious – the preferences are changing. Latest trends at bartending world strive to what it used to be at the beginning. Classic cocktails are preferred by many to the hype with flamboyant garnishes and complex tastes. Many trendsetters in bartending say, it’s time to return to the stylish recipes and unique glass designs that have made the cocktail what it is today. It’s time to go back to basics with Libbey glassware.

Never go out of style

The cocktail scene has long been an essential feature of the world’s major cities and hotspots. And now it’s conquering smaller towns, sleepy backwaters, and even people’s homes. As social media drives a trend towards increasingly peculiar and wonderful cocktail experiences, more and more bars are creating cocktails involving extravagant ‘new’ recipes, unusual glassware and lavish garnishes. So, it’s good to see that lately bartenders and bars around the world are refocusing on the essence and history of the cocktails they serve. Reverting back to the fundamentals by keeping the drink itself at the heart of the experience.

Glassware industry is at the top of trends, providing new needs and enquiries of the bar world. For example, trend to good old basics inspired Libbey glassware to introduce Levitas and Esperanto – low stem collections that take you right back to the fundamentals, with the drink itself at the heart of the experience. As the experts say, you can’t go wrong with a classic cocktail!

Bartenders choice

eric van beek, bartender, bacardi legacy

Eric van Beek, 2018 Bacardi Legacy winner:

What type of glasses do you prefer to use in your bar?

I like to use glassware that will enhance the drinking experience the guests has on top of being aesthetically pleasing.

Why did you choose the New Levitas glasses from Libbey for your bar?

I chose a variety of the New Levitas glasses due to the fact that they are considerably thinner then other glassware on the market while staying in a normal price point

Did the glasses surprise you once you received them?

I researched the glasses quite a lot before I bought them so they were finally in they were exactly how I expected them to be!

What’s the best cocktails to serve in it?

I think a small version of a Negroni or Old Fashioned goes well into the small rocks version. As for drinks like whiskey highballs or versions of gin fizzes go well into highballs. I think some drinks work better in certain glasses than others.

This counter-trend is one that Libbey celebrates. This company is one of first had been standing side by side since the birth of the cocktail and today continue to develop designs inspired by that rich tradition.

libbey glassware, levitas, классические бокалы, бокалы для бара, красивые бокалы для коктейлей, бокалы для коктейлей

In Vino Levitas

New classics by Libbey includes two lines: Levitas and Esperanto.

Levitas gets its name from the Esperanto word for floating and is glassware in its purest form. The simple yet elegant bowls sit on top a short stem to make an impact on whichever drink you choose to serve in them. This range features Libbey’s Finesse Laser Cut Rim finish, an after process which results in a very fine polished rim. Levitas fits a trend spotted among the leading cocktail bars around the world. Producers of spirits, syrups, and mixers continuously push themselves to create the purest of products. The bartenders mixing these into carefully crafted cocktails achieve delicate flavour balances often finished with a simple garnish, or served on hand-cut clear ice blocks. Levitas with its versatility is the ultimate glass for these kinds of drinks.

Ran van Ongevalle, bacardi legacy, bartender

Ran van Ongevalle, 2017 Bacardi Legacy winner:

What type of glasses do you prefer to use in your bar?

I personally love every style of glassware as long as the glasses are refined and detailed. If I were to pick one though it would be highballs!

Why did you choose the New Levitas glasses from Libbey for your bar?

Because the glasses are very elegant, unique and very thin.

Did the glasses surprise you once you received them?

Yes, I saw them on a bar show in Belgium and immediately knew what style of drink I was going to make in them!

What’s the best cocktails to serve in it?

Milk punches!

libbey glassware, levitas, классические бокалы, бокалы для бара, красивые бокалы для коктейлей, бокалы для коктейлей

Unique language

Esperanto is the new short-stemmed range of tulip-shaped glassware, which is well-known for bringing out a drink’s flavors. This range can be used for multiple drinks and cocktails. The name Esperanto was inspired by the 19th Century universal second language created by L.L. Zamenhof, who hoped it would contribute to global peace and understanding. Esperanto’s smaller capacities are perfect for spirits, liqueurs, and water. The intermediate for wines, fortified wines, and sodas. The middle-to-high capacities best suit beers and many cocktails. Last but not least, the smallest Esperanto glasses work wonderfully as taster glasses, ideal for people who want to share their drinking impressions in the universal language of bonhomie and good taste.

libbey, glassware

Is it good?

Going back to basics is not that boring as it might seem from the beginning. It brings us to the core of an object, discovering new peculiarities and hints you might haven’t noticed with flamboyant up-to-date packaging. And this is not only at glassware or bartending – this is a good world-wide trend that makes us a bit more sober and happy about simple things that surround us every day.

Images are courtesy of Libbey INC.

Автор DCW Magazine

DCW Magazine - международный информационный проект о барах и культуре пития. Коктейли, алкогольные и безалкогольные напитки, оригинальная подача, посуда, мероприятия индустрии HoReCa, бармены, барные конкурсы, бары и рестораны, школы барменов, лучшие бары мира, путешествия - основные темы журнала.

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