
Журнал о барах и барной культуре DCW Magazine. Коктейли, алкоголь, лучшие бары мира, топовые бармены. 18+


All about alcohol in art

Mr Murka, russian aprons, Мистер Мурка, фартуки для барменов

Who is Mr. Murka? 

Travelling a lot around the globe I visit a great number of professional bar industry events. Every time I meet my colleagues. Many of them present large national producers, but there is also one brand – yet not that big but self-confident and charming Russian apron producer Mr. Murka. It is great to know that…


Port wine in Russia: the history of love

The history of port wine in Russia – mysterious and multivocal as well as Soviet artists, who mentioned this type of alcohol drink in their works quite often. Probably port wine is the only one that is perceived by Russians in extremely polar way. Nostalgia for Soviet port wines confronts contemporary sommeliers and their special…


Chekhov: Russia, humor, alcohol

Usually this column is devoted to prominent artists and deboshires. Their image is about art and about a bottle of strong alcohol. It is ok for Dovlatov, Hemingway, Bukowski and Yerofeev. But there is one Russian writer whose image does not fit with drinking hard. And this is Chekhov.  Chekhov: satire and alcohol Just remember…


Tiki glasses for the best cocktails

Tiki are no longer just summertime drinks. Nowadays, people are enjoying them all year long. In addition to the Tiki range introduction, Libbey presents the new Tiki Stemware and Tiki Split! A mix of playfulness and sophistication that revive the historical and exotic cocktails.  Tiki Coupe & Tiki Mai Tai Giving a playful theme that…

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International independent online media about bars, bartenders, liquids and spirits and culture of drinking. 

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